Case Studies
CT3 often partners with districts and schools for multiple years, which allows principals, coaches, and teachers to solidify their practice of the work to become No-Nonsense Nurturers. See how real time coaching affects positive change in student engagement and achievement.
Our Results
Building Capacity
Richmond Public School
Richmond, VA
In the 2021-2022 school year, Richmond Public Schools piloted CT3’s work in 5 of their schools. With over 300 educators trained in the No-Nonsense Nurturer® pedagogy at the start of the year, 10 Real Time Teacher Coaches working with 96 teachers, and 5 principals receiving Real Time Leadership Coaching, the schools with CT3 support saw noticeable improvements. Those 5 schools dramatically outperformed district averages with larger increases in growth and proficiency in their yearly assessments.
Making Gains In The Face Of A Global Pandemic
Tulsa Public Schools
Tulsa, OK
CT3’s partnership with Tulsa Public Schools began back in 2015. For the past seven years, CT3 has worked with TPS to enhance student learning and increase staff capacity for both teachers and school leaders.
There is no doubt that the 2021-2022 school year was uniquely challenging for schools across the country. But even during such a difficult year, Tulsa Public Schools’ teachers persevered. CT3 was able to support educators through coaching and implementing pedagogical strategies to continually increase student engagement.