AIC Feedback

Teacher feedback

Providing feedback to adults can feel daunting. Some of us may not know how to begin or might run out of time. However, these concerns shouldn’t hinder us from delivering valuable feedback.

Constructive feedback is essential for educators’ growth. It empowers them to reflect on their practice and enhance student outcomes. Despite any reservations, we must prioritize providing feedback to meet students’ needs effectively.

So, how can we deliver feedback that fosters educator improvement, builds trust, and encourages growth, all in a timely manner? At CT3, we employ AIC Feedback—Affirmation, Impact, and Challenge or Continue.

We begin with affirmations, highlighting the individual’s strengths and effectiveness with students. Recognizing their assets in instruction, management, pedagogy, and preparation sets a positive tone.

Next, we illustrate the impact of these strengths on students, citing concrete data or observed actions. This reinforces the importance of continuing these effective practices.

Lastly, we present a challenge or continuation—specific, manageable actions the educator can take, or continue to take, to further enhance their practice. These actions should be small, observable, and focused on maximizing student impact.

Teacher feedback

Here’s an example of AIC Feedback in action:

Affirmation: “I want to affirm that you were aggressively monitoring while students completed the Do Now.”

Impact: “The impact was that 100% of your students were engaged. Plus, you detected a misconception and adjusted your instruction to address it.”

Challenge: “I challenge you to share the data you collected from the Do Now with students so that they can see how they are performing as a class and push themselves to do even better.”

Utilizing AIC Feedback can significantly improve student outcomes by enhancing educators’ effectiveness. Give it a try and see the positive impact it can have in your school community!

Check out CT3 Education programs such as the No-Nonsense Nurturer WorkshopReal Time Teacher CoachingReal Time Leadership Coaching; and Online Learning to experience the growth our partner districts, schools, leaders and thereby students have experienced.

By: Chris Cantu, CT3 Program Lead