A Powerful Paradigm Shift for Educators

Given the amount of time teachers and students spend together over the course of a year, relationships between the educators and students will form. It is inevitable. How productive those relationships are for both teachers and students, is left to question. Understanding the tendencies of teachers who are not No-Nonsense Nurturers may support you to […]

ASCD Express: Teaching Teachers to Change the Discourse

We’re thrilled that “Teaching Teachers to Change the Discourse” by CT3 Associate Vynesha Johnson was published in the November 23, 2016 issue of ASCD Express. As a CT3 associate working with school leaders across the country, I recently spoke with a school principal who shared a theme for an upcoming professional development day: How well do […]

Featured Educator: Rachael Mingo in Flint, MI

CT3 Associates working across the U.S. regularly meet educators that demonstrate a deep commitment to transforming the lives of youth, some remaining committed to the same communities in which they themselves grew up. Rachael Mingo at Beecher Middle School in Flint, MI is one of those extraordinary educators – as a 5th grade teacher in […]

It’s Not the ‘What’, It’s the ‘How’

There has recently been a focus on the amount of money spent improving public education in America. As taxpayers, educators and parents, we expect to see that this funding is making a dramatic difference in teacher training and student engagement. In 2015, a groundbreaking report called “The Mirage” was released that challenged many of the […]

3 Questions That Enable Leaders to Call for Commitments

One of the major causes of frustration as an educator is when your school leader, parents, or colleagues don’t appear to be committed to a particular issue. As we coach educators across the country, we support the three questions in the article below as a tool for change. The following was written by Dan Rockwell […]

School Culture Celebrations Across the Country

We can’t believe it’s already October! Many schools have only been in session for a little over a month so far this year, however as educators we know that school staff members work tirelessly for weeks and months before students enter the building to set the year up for success. Here we’re sharing moves and […]

Leaders…Create a Revolution

Leading a school is hard. No one can argue that. Leading a school after a year of dissatisfaction, low test scores, and a staff that feels misaligned can feel impossible. Here are a few ways to re-launch your school and create a revolution of success: Use an asset-based approach with your staff As educators we […]

Guest Blog: Change for Greatness

As Major League Baseball kicks off All Star Week, where the greatest players of our American pastime come together for a game, as a Cincinnati Reds fan, I can’t help but reflect on how powerful change can be in finding greatness. This time last year, Cincinnati changed. It was the home of the All Star game. The city cleaned up, put up more flying pigs and […]

An Educator’s Survival Checklist: Students with Trauma

I am not a clinical or licensed mental health professional, but I have been in low-performing classrooms as a teacher, coach, school leader, and consultant long enough to recognize one critical thing. In the lives of many students in our high-needs schools, trauma exists and it impacts teaching and learning daily. I know I am […]