Asking the Right Questions

“No significant learning takes place without a significant relationship.” (James Comer, 1995) As an educator, it’s critical to devote time during the first days of school to get to know your students and a questionnaire is a great start. Fortunately, there’s a seemingly endless cache of well-crafted “First Day of School” surveys and questionnaires to […]

5 Ways To Develop a Culture of Coaching Through Language

In my work as a consultant in schools around the country, I’ve seen first-hand the power that effective coaches can have on teachers and ultimately, students. Establishing a culture of coaching is more than simply training coaches to support new hires or conduct grade-level observations. Receiving feedback, as much as people will say they welcome […]

Leaders…Create a Revolution

Leading a school is hard. No one can argue that. Leading a school after a year of dissatisfaction, low test scores, and a staff that feels misaligned can feel impossible. Here are a few ways to re-launch your school and create a revolution of success: Use an asset-based approach with your staff As educators we […]

10 Things Great Coaches Do Over the Summer

Great athletes make their careers in the off-season. The same is true for coaches that focus on the development of teachers. So much of what makes them amazing coaches is practice and preparation. At CT3, we are fortunate to meet and train hundreds of coaches in schools across the country. We are often asked what […]

The Triumph of Small Victories

At CT3, we believe that building life-altering relationships is a journey, not a destination.  Therefore, taking time to reflect and celebrate the small wins is a critical practice.  This is not only refreshing, it also builds momentum and creates motivation.  Check out this great article, originally posted on Edutopia that embodies the essence of finding Triumph […]

A Teacher Who Defied the Odds is Helping his Scholars do the Same

Meet Donavan Jackson, a middle school teacher at Thomasboro Academy in Charlotte, North Carolina. “I was once in their shoes and I’m breaking the cycle with my own family.” Donavan Jackson, a product of the Charlotte Mecklenburg School District, is now working hard as a teacher to help his scholars in the same district from […]

An Educator’s Survival Checklist: Students with Trauma

I am not a clinical or licensed mental health professional, but I have been in low-performing classrooms as a teacher, coach, school leader, and consultant long enough to recognize one critical thing. In the lives of many students in our high-needs schools, trauma exists and it impacts teaching and learning daily. I know I am […]

Raising My Children Using the No-Nonsense Nurturer® 4-Step Model

Often, while supporting coaches and principals in schools across the country, I am asked the question, “Kara, do you use the 4-step model at home with your own children?”  My response is an overpowered and elated “YES”!  My oldest son now tells me when that I can’t give him a consequence or reward when I […]

Guest Blog: One Classroom, One Teacher

I’ve previously written that student behavior is not personal. This is true. Pressure from students’ outside lives can erupt in class. Unprocessed grief can become disruption. Unfelt anger can become a refusal to participate. It’s important that we as teachers recognize the many external factors that can influence behavior inside a classroom. While students do […]

10 Ways Well-Meaning White Teachers Bring Racism Into Our Schools

by Jamie Utt. Originally posted on Everyday Feminism. Teachers are some of my favorite people in the world. I mean I really love teachers! They tend to be enthusiastic about changing society, and more often than not, they care so deeply about their work and their students. What’s not to like? As a former teacher […]