Maximizing ESSER Funds: Empowering Educators and Sustaining Student Success Beyond 2025

Education funding uses

Maximizing ESSER Funds With less than seven months remaining until January 28, 2025, the countdown to the expiration of federal aid through the Elementary and Secondary School Relief Fund has begun. This impending deadline looms over school districts, threatening the loss of crucial funding intended to support students in their recovery from pandemic-induced learning loss. […]

Harnessing the Power of Mindfulness: How School Principals Can Use Meditation to Become Effective Educational Leaders


In the dynamic landscape of K-12 education, particularly in underserved communities, school principals stand at the forefront, shouldering the responsibility of steering their schools toward success. They not only manage day-to-day operations but also provide vision, guidance, and support to their staff and students. Amidst these demanding roles, maintaining focus, resilience, and effectiveness becomes paramount. […]

AIC Feedback

Teacher feedback

Providing feedback to adults can feel daunting. Some of us may not know how to begin or might run out of time. However, these concerns shouldn’t hinder us from delivering valuable feedback. Constructive feedback is essential for educators’ growth. It empowers them to reflect on their practice and enhance student outcomes. Despite any reservations, we […]

Improving Communication with Disgruntled Parents: A Guide for School Leaders

Parent teacher meeting

Engaging with disgruntled parents can be a challenging aspect of school leadership, but with the right approach, these interactions can lead to positive outcomes. Drawing from my own experiences and learning from past mistakes, here are some strategies for successful communication with upset parents: Schedule a Meeting: Set aside a 30-minute block for the meeting […]

How to Hook Scholars In and Keep Them Engaged

Class engagement

As an instructional coach, the perennial question that often surfaces from teachers is, “How do I keep scholars engaged throughout an entire lesson?” This concern is not only valid but also fundamental to fostering a positive and productive learning environment. In this blog post, we will explore six impactful strategies to not only capture the […]

Accountability Practices During Independent Work Time

Classroom group work

A 5th-grade teacher has just started small group instruction in the back of the classroom. He has set the expectation that the remainder of the class is to work in groups of 3-4 to collaboratively develop a solution to two math tasks. As he ushers those in his small group through work that is specific […]

Feedback for Immediate Impact Part 2

Feedback for Immediate Impact (Part 2) In Part 1, we discussed the transformative nature of leaders delivering in-the-moment feedback to teachers. We even shared some examples of how you might provide this type of efficient and meaningful guidance. In Part 2, we will look at the key components for leaders to consider before they begin […]

Feedback for Immediate Impact Part 1

Feedback for Immediate Impact (Part 1) The Importance of Quality Feedback  One of the most powerful tools a school leader has is the ability to motivate their teachers through high quality feedback. An impactful coaching culture takes shape through thoughtful leader moves, consistent systems, and common language. At CT3 and through Real Time Leadership Coaching (RTLC), […]

High Expectations…

The following is the third of 11 posts dedicated to providing an overview of the No-Nonsense Nurturer leader behaviors in anticipation of CT3’s summer leadership workshops. We hope to support all leaders with behaviors essential for every organization. The No-Nonsense Nurturer® Leader: Models humility Sets high expectations Creates a culture of coaching Builds collective efficacy […]