Feedback for Immediate Impact Part 1

Feedback for Immediate Impact (Part 1)

The Importance of Quality Feedback 

One of the most powerful tools a school leader has is the ability to motivate their teachers through high quality feedbackAn impactful coaching culture takes shape through thoughtful leader moves, consistent systems, and common language. At CT3 and through Real Time Leadership Coaching (RTLC), we strategically support our leaders to build a culture of coaching that promotes teacher development to ensure each student’s success. 

Still, like a brand new car driven off the lot, feedback depreciates once a leader leaves the classroom. Whether it’s documented, emailed, or delivered in person, the feedback becomes harder for the teacher to contextualize and apply once the lesson is said and done. While we support teacher leaders in Real Time Teacher Coaching® (RTTC) that transform teacher moves and student engagement in-the-moment, school leaders who are not trained may easily perceive that after-the-fact feedback is their only method to tell the teacher what’s working and what they can change to improve outcomes for kids. 

To remedy this and maximize the power of feedback for each teacher, CT3 enables school leaders to provide their own real time coaching. This in-the-moment intervention is conveyed using a standard approach so every teacher feels supported. This in-the-moment feedback is about empowerment rather than judgment. Teachers are held accountable to expectations that ensure student learning while simultaneously receiving actionable support from the leader.

Benefits of In-the-Moment Feedback:

  • Provides direct, specific feedback for immediate implementation.
  • Empowers teachers to improve a skill with efficiency and effectiveness. 
  • Aligns to staff-wide expectations using common language, and supports a system of accountability. 
  • Embodies a culture of coaching in which best pedagogical practices are reinforced.

Components of In-the-Moment Feedback:

  1. Affirmation/Acknowledgment: Begin by affirming evidence of an observed positive teacher action; if one isn’t clear because an expectation is needed, acknowledge the context or condition so the teacher feels supported and seen.
  2. Expectation/Data: Provide the expectation the teacher needs to meet and/or the data that illuminate the opportunity. This grounds the feedback in objectivity and expectation, and helps the teacher see and understand the need to shift their actions.
  3. Direction: Provide a specific direction or challenge to apply in-the-moment that relates directly to the expectation or data provided above. 
  4. Support: State what support will be given once the direction is executed. This sends a powerful message to the teacher that the leader is there for them and willing to support the expectation they just provided – and see if the new direction creates change. It communicates “I am in this with you.”

Let’s take a look at some examples: 

In-the-Moment Coaching Examples

Context: Teacher A is attempting a Think Pair Share after a recent PD. The teacher just initiated a Pair direction, and is standing in one spot watching the students. The leader approaches the teacher.
Acknowledgment/Affirmation “Teacher A, your precise direction for think time provided every student 30 seconds to consider the question on their own first. This time was powerfully structured to support this Pair direction. Strong move!
Expectation/Data You now have roughly 60% of pairs engaging in on-task discussion, while others are quiet or potentially confused.
Direction Circulate to your pairs and listen to their discussion, and narrate those talking about the question. This will provide repetition of the direction that will get more pairs started and focused. 
Support  I’ll listen to this group in the front to support.” 
Context: Teacher B is receiving students in line at their door from specials, and the teacher is not actively monitoring or initiating the next direction. The leader is in the hallway and approaches while they are standing at their door. 
Acknowledgment/Affirmation “Hi Teacher B, I see you are ready with your precise Do Now directions on the board inside the room. 
Expectation/Data It’s past 9:30 and time to start class, and five students are talking and facing the other direction.
Direction Give your attention-getter, your precise directions for entering the room, and tell your students why the Do Now matters.
Support  I’ll move toward the back of the line and narrate your directions to support you.”

Why Use In-the-Moment Feedback?

In-the-moment feedback is a form of coaching that takes under a minute to deliver so the teacher can stay focused on students. More importantly, it allows for instant application. The leader starts with an affirmation or acknowledgement, followed by the expectation, and ends in a direction for the teacher to immediately apply, with named support from the leader. 

by Meaghan Loftus, Lead Partnership Manager, CT3 Associate
Check out CT3 Education programs such as No-Nonsense Nurturer, Real Time Teacher Coaching, and Real Time Leadership Coaching to find out more about Professional Development for Teachers and Leaders, classroom management strategies, and building relationships with students and their families, and properly addressing important issues in the classroom and school.
Category: Coaching, Education, Leadership, No-Nonsense Nurturer, Real Time Leadership Coaching