Samantha Reichard

Samantha Reichard

Samantha is a student-centered former district-level coach, multi-classroom leader, and results-driven teacher based in Charlotte, North Carolina. With over 17 years of educational experience, she has a deep understanding of the impact strong cultures of coaching within school buildings and districts have on student outcomes.  Samantha brings expertise in several areas of educational coaching including […]

Leah Pearson

Leah Pearson holds over 20 years of experience in education, particularly in underserved communities. Her extensive background includes teaching, mentoring, coaching, and training coaches. Leah’s passion lies in transforming inequitable classroom cultures with culturally relevant pedagogy. She played a pivotal role in helping CT3 pivot towards anti-racism and is an experienced facilitator of white accountability […]

Kristyn Klei Borrero Ed.D

Dr. Kristyn Klei Borrero is recognized as a leading national expert in culturally relevant pedagogy, educator professional development, and leadership coaching. Her work in the area of coaching for empowered/asset-based mindsets has transformed the careers of thousands of educators. Kristyn co-founded CT3 in 2009 after having led the research and development of No-Nonsense Nurturer and […]